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Forum moderator: MORENA  
Members rules
MORENADate: JOI, 2009-06-04, 1:16 AM | Message # 1
Group: Administrators
Messages: 649
Status: Offline
Aceasta comunitate se bazeaza pe intelegere si respect reciproc. Asadar, sunt interzise cu desavarsire injuriile, afirmatiile vulgare, rasiste, antisemite sau xenofobe. Este interzisa ironia de prost gust, fara sens si orice mesaj care il poate afecta pe vreunul dintre membrii acestui forum. Punctele de vedere sunt cele care trebuie discutate, nicidecum persoana care isi exprima acel punct de vedere. In cazul in care se incalca acest punct din regulament, in functie de gravitatea si vulgaritatea mesajului, sanctiunea va fi de la interzicerea trimiterii de mesaje pe forum, pana la stergerea contului si restrictionarea accesului permanent.

Forumul reprezinta un mediu de discutii calm, in care fiecare membru este dator sa respecte opinia celuilalt, sa participe in mod constructiv la temele propuse, astfel incat toti sa avem satisfactia petrecerii unui timp agreabil in compania unor alte persoane care ne impartasesc pasiunile.

Daca folosind functia de CAUTARE, nu ati gasit nici un topic asemanator cu problema voastra, inainte sa postati alegeti sectiunea care se potriveste cel mai bine problemei voastre. Postarea de mesaje in categorii necorespunzatoare va duce la adaugarea unui Warning.

- Titlul unui subiect trebuie sa fie clar si relevat pentru toti utilizatorii, nu folositi nume de subiecte de genul: "Urgent!", "Eroare .", "Important", "Ajutoooor!", titlul scris cu litere mari: SALUTARE LA TOTI, interjectii: Aoleuuu, Bah . prescurtari, cuvinte de argou sau expresii neconcludente. Incalcarea acestei reguli va duce la adaugarea unui Warning.

Nu dati raspunsuri doar pentru a scrie ceva! Daca nu stiti sau nu aveti ce spune, lasati pe altii sa raspunda. Incalcarea acestei reguli atrage 1 Warning.

- Este interzisa postarea de materiale pornografice, sau orice tip de materiale ilegale, inclusiv link-uri catre site-uri care contin asemenea materiale. Este interzisa postarea informatiilor care incalca legea drepurilor de autor. In cazul in care este implicita prezentarea unui asemenea material, atasati sursa informationala. Sanctiune pentru nerespectarea acestei reguli: de la 1 Warning la 3 in functie de gravitate.

- Inregistrarea in forum cu nickuri obscene sau jignitoare precum si cu date personale false duce la desfiintarea contului pe acest forum.

- Mesajele trebuie sa fie scrise intr-un limbaj nederanjant pentru ceilalti utilizatori:
----- nu postati cu tasta CAPS LOCK apasata!
----- nu folositi in mod excesiv imaginile emotive (emoticons icon);
----- nu folositi texte cu fonturi colorate excesiv sau cu dimensiuni mari;
----- nu postati mesaje scrise integral cu bold, italic, underline sau cu litera mare;
----- nu porniti discutii incendiare sau in contradictoriu pe subiecte privind gusturi sau obiceiuri;
----- nu scrieti doua mesaje unul dupa altul. Editati-l pe cel vechi si adaugati acolo ce mai aveti de spus. Sanctiune pentru nerespectarea acestei reguli: 1 Warning.
----- este complet interzis orice atac la persoana; discutati ideea si nu persoana.Sanctiune pentru nerespectarea acestei reguli: 1 Warning

Moderatorul este persoana care asigura bunul mers al discutiilor, intervenind doar in cazuri speciale (mai exact, incalcarea regulamentului). Moderatorul nu are obligatia sa dea detalii asupra actiunilor sale (mai ales in momentul in care scopul acestora este evident). Daca insa considerati ca ati fost penalizat pe nedrept de un moderator, va invitam sa ne contactati folosind formularul de contact pentru a lamuri acesta situatie (si moderatorul poate fi sanctionat la randul sau, putand chiar pierde statutul de moderator).

Incalcarea regulilor prezente aici duce la sanctiuni, de la avertisment, la blocarea accesului pentru o perioada determinata, permanenta sau chiar la stergerea contului.
In momentul in care va inregistrati pe forum sau trimiteti un mesaj, consideram ca ati citit si ati fost de acord cu acest regulament


I can't give solutions to all of life's problems, doubts, or fears. But I can listen to you, and together we will search for answers.
BossyDate: JOI, 2009-06-04, 8:45 AM | Message # 2
Group: Administrators
Messages: 722
Status: Offline
Am citit si luat la cunostinta regulamentul ...o sa incerc sa il respect si sa il pun in aplicare ..multumim pentru informatii

We Ride Together We Die Together
MORENADate: MIERCURI, 2009-09-16, 4:25 PM | Message # 3
Group: Administrators
Messages: 649
Status: Offline
Cu multa placere

I can't give solutions to all of life's problems, doubts, or fears. But I can listen to you, and together we will search for answers.
MORENADate: SAMBATA, 2012-06-02, 11:22 AM | Message # 4
Group: Administrators
Messages: 649
Status: Offline
This community is based on understanding and mutual respect. So, are absolutely prohibited injuries, claims vulgar, racist, antisemitic or xenophobic. Tasteless irony is prohibited without sense and any message that it can affect any member of this forum. The views are to be discussed, not the person expressing that view. If this is violated the regulation, depending on the severity and vulgarity of the message, the sanction will be to prohibit sending messages; to permanently delete your account and restrict access.

Forum discussion is a calm environment in which each member is obliged to respect the other opinion, to participate constructively in themes, so that all may have the satisfaction of spending a pleasant time in the company of other people who share our passions.

If using the search function did not find any topic similar to your problem before posting section choose which best suits your problem. Posting messages in incorrect categories will add a Warning.

- Title of a topic must be clear and relevant to all users, not use names of topics such as "Urgent", "Error.", "Important", "Help!" Title in big letters: Greetings AT ALL , interjections: Oh, I Bah. abbreviations, slang words or phrases inconclusive. Breaking this rule will add a Warning.

Do not give answers only to write something! If you know or not what he says, allow others to respond. Violation of the regulations is a Warning.

- It is forbidden to post pornographic material or any illegal, including links to sites containing such material. Not post information that violates her rights of copyright law. Where is the default presentation of the material, attach source of information. Penalties for Violation of this rule: 1 Warning to 3 depending on severity.

- Recording Forum with obscene or offensive nicks and false personal data lead to the cancellation account on this forum.

- Messages must be written in a language without hindrance to other users:
----- Not post the CAPS LOCK key pressed!
----- Not use excessively emotive images (emoticons icon);
----- Not use colored text fonts excessive or large;
----- Not post messages fully with bold, italic, underline or uppercase;
----- Not fire or start discussions on topics of contradictory tastes and habits;
----- Not write two posts one after another. Edit the old and add it there you have to say. Penalties for Violation of this rule: 1 Warning.
----- Is completely prohibited any personal attacks, discuss the idea and not to breach this rule person. Sanction: a Warning

The moderator is the person who ensures the smooth running of the discussions, intervening only in special cases (ie, violation of rules). The moderator has no obligation to give details of his actions (especially when their purpose is obvious). But if you think you have been unfairly penalized by a moderator, please contact us using the form to clear this situation (and the moderator can be punished in turn, may even lose moderator status).

Violations presented here lead to sanctions from a warning to block access for a fixed term, permanent or even delete your account.
When you register on the forum or send a message, consider that you have read and agreed to the regulation

THE RULE Bans Do not remove! THINK ABOUT THIS BEFORE it is too late!

I can't give solutions to all of life's problems, doubts, or fears. But I can listen to you, and together we will search for answers.
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